Exodus Travel: The Four Types of Pyramids

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When visiting Egypt, taking a trip to see the pyramids is undoubtedly a must done by travelers. In Egypt alone, it is estimated that there are around 118 types of pyramids. The infamous, and most definitely the largest is the Great Pyramid at Giza, which is one of the main destinations for travelers in Egypt.


What are the Four Types of Pyramids?

Experienced Giza Pyramid

As mentioned before, pyramids have a lot of types, they come in different kinds of shapes and heights. They were built for religious purposes and meant as a burial place for the pharaohs. Some argued that pyramids were built because the pharaoh believed the body can be resurrected if preserved properly.

The pyramid shape was used by the ancient Egyptians because it represents the primordial mound, based on how the earth was created. It was also made as a representative of the descending rays of the sun, with how most pyramids used highly reflective white limestone. Here are the four types of it, which can be discovered when traveling to Egypt.


1. The Step Pyramid

Located northwest of the ruins of Memphis, the Step Pyramid, or Step Pyramid of Djoser, is an archaeological site in the Saqqara necropolis. This pyramid is known as the earliest colossal stone building in Egypt. It was built during the third Dynasty for pharaoh Djoser’s burial, and its original height was 62.5 m before it went through revisions and redevelopment.

At first, the step pyramid started as a square mastaba-like structure, before then it was developed into a six-stepped monument with an underground labyrinth. It consists of tunneled chambers and galleries that total nearly 6 km in length. The purpose of these underground spaces is for the king’s burial, the burial of family members, and storage of goods and offerings.

If visiting the Step Pyramid sounds intriguing, private guides can take travelers there. It is only 30 kilometers from Cairo and can be reached by car. There are other smaller pyramids and tombs, which are also highly recommended to be seen.


2. The Bent Pyramid

Approximately 40 kilometers south of Cairo, there is a pyramid built by Pharaoh Sneferu at the royal necropolis of Dahshur. The original height of this pyramid was 104.7 meters. It is considered unique, as it has a “bent” appearance as during its construction there was a change in the pyramids angle.

It was theorized that the angle of this pyramid was changed because of the steepness of its inclination, resulting in instability during construction. Experts believe that this pyramid is a transitional form between step-sided and smooth-sided pyramids. Several experts also found that the landscape surrounding the pyramid was man-made. They noticed that instead of sitting aside in a fertile area near the Nile River like all the other pyramids, the site of the Bent Pyramid is in the middle of a pristine desert area.

In order for travelers to reach this site, take a car ride from Giza for about 45-50 minutes.  From the northern entrance of the pyramid, travelers can reach two of its chambers through a 79-meter narrow tunnel.


3. The Red Pyramid

This pyramid is known by another name too as the North Pyramid, and it is also the third-largest Egyptian pyramid. The name came from its color since it reflects rusty red limestone stones. For its height, it is 105 meters high. It is located about one kilometer from the Bent Pyramid and only takes a few minutes to reach the site.

It was built under the Old Kingdom Pharaoh Sneferu around 2575–2551 BCE. Compared to other Egyptian pyramids, the red pyramid has a noticeably squat appearance compared to other Egyptian pyramids of comparable scale, since it was built in a similar angle as the upper section of the Bent Pyramid. Experts argue the design of this pyramid was a result of engineering crises that happened during the construction of Sneferu’s two previous pyramids.

Since the two locations are quite close, it is recommended for travelers to visit the Red Pyramid after taking a tour at the Bent Pyramid. With an entrance ticket to Dahshur, tourists can go and admire the inside of the Red Pyramid.


4. The Great Pyramid

Known as the largest Egyptian pyramid, the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World was built in the early 26th century BC. It is the tomb of the Fourth Dynasty pharaoh Khufu. The construction period lasted for 27 years, and it was the tallest man-made structure in the world for more than 3,800 years. The height was originally 146.6 meters, but now its present height is 138.5 meters because a lot of the smooth white limestone casing was removed.

The pyramid consists of three main chambers. The lowest part was a rock-cut chamber in the bedrock, but this area appears unfinished. In higher up, within the pyramid structure, is the Queen’s and King’s chambers. Surrounding the pyramids there are two mortuary temples nearby that are connected by a causeway, three smaller pyramids for Khufu’s wives, tombs for Khufu’s immediate family and court, and a small satellite pyramid.

Most travel packages cover this site when visiting Egypt since it is very famous and located in Cairo. It is usually the main highlight when taking a Cairo city tour.


Is It Worth Visiting the Pyramids in Egypt?

outfit that is suitable for use when visiting the pyramids

Without a doubt, there are various places and ancient sites that can be visited while traveling in Egypt. However, skipping a trip to one of Egypt’s pyramids is a huge loss. These pyramids were built thousands of years ago, and even if there is some deterioration, they are still standing mighty still. It contains a lot of historical knowledge, and it is a huge part of ancient culture. Aside from the learning travelers can get, they are also beautiful sites to take a lot of pictures at.


It is better to learn more about types of pyramids by visiting Egypt directly—go on and contact http://exodustravel.net/ to set up a trip to Egypt.


Read more: Tour inside Giza Pyramids for American & Canadian Tourist

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