Egypt Travel Pyramid for Canadian Students

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Students will be very enthusiastic if they get an offer to enjoy Egypt Travel Pyramid. Witnessing the Great Pyramids will make them in awe. As one of the world’s wonders, visiting the pyramids will be a once-in-a-lifetime trip, It applies to everyone.

It is true that some students, particularly in Canada, find that the travel distances can make them doubt visiting this country.  This is why it requires very advanced planning. It is crucial because there are cases when a visa from any Egyptian consulate is necessary for advancement.

However, there are several tour agencies that are available around the world, including in Canada. They have great access to organizing trips to Egypt. By using the service of a reputable agent,  students can enjoy their trip much easier.


Preparing Egypt Tour Pyramids Easily

Pyramids Vacation Packages In Giza

Many students might not know that Cairo is a very crowded and noisy city. But, it is the first city that anyone will enter before visiting other places, including Giza, the host of the Great Pyramids.  Every traveler will be wondering why other cities in Egypt are more beautiful than Cairo.

Comfort is the key that any travel agent should promise to travelers. Egypt is a very hot country where not all hotels can deliver comfortable living. Only reputable travel agents have good connections with reputable hotels that offer the best prices possible.

For sure, the main attractions of Egypt include the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx. Situated on the Giza plateau, those attractions are far enough outside the city.  But, travelers will be amazed by the three major pyramids which had been there since2650 BC.

One of them is known as the biggest one that King Cheops had built. Its height reaches 140 meters. It boasts an amazing sight to be at the pyramid foot.  Many experts estimate that every stone block weighs approximately more than 2 tons.  One pyramid was built with more than 2 million blocks.

However, everyone agrees that any of those pyramids have such a precise design structurally.  It is the triangular structural design that is perfectly structured. Taking pictures here is definitely a rare experience. Every student in Canada will not waste this chance. Mostly, travelers can enter the pyramids though they have to pay an extra charge. This is very challenging because they will feel like joining a movie shooting process.

The pyramids that travelers can see at Giza are easy to see from several city parts. This is particularly on a clear day.  Giza’s Great Pyramids have such imposing structures.  It is hard to imagine how ancient people at that time could build such amazing workmanship, regardless of their unawareness of sophisticated technology.

Rare travelers know that pyramids have lots of tunnels that lead into the burial chambers within.  The challenge is that there is no air conditioner within the pyramids. With such a hot temperature, there will be such an amazing experience like living during the ancient days.

But, travelers should never worry. Their journeys will be more complete by enjoying delicious cuisines in several restaurants. Some restaurants even offer wonderful views of the Great Pyramids, while other sides reveal the whole city views.  For sure, only experienced tour guides know where they should take travelers to amazing places.


Enjoying the Real Pyramid Travel

outfit that is suitable for use when visiting the pyramids

While pyramids are very attractive to visit, there are still numerous activities to enjoy nearby.  Camel ride is one of them. This is such a great experience because not all travelers can do this. Imagine riding a camel with the Great Pyramids in the background.

However, it is not simple as travelers can imagine. It requires an experienced tour guide to deal with camel rental.  An experienced tour guide can negotiate the rental cost beforehand.  This is to ensure that hustlers don’t charge tourists with higher prices possible.

After visiting those wonderful pyramids,  many travel agents will recommend the Valley of Temple. This is the place of mummified dead kings were placed.  The inexplicable Sphinx was a really interesting object which it has been there for more than 5000 years.

Are there any amazing sites in Egypt that travelers should visit?

Traveling to Memphis is another amazing experience. It hosts the Ramses II giant statue.  There is also another attraction called Egyptian Museum where ancient attractions are housed. The museum includes  King Tutankhamun’s treasures. The fame gold mask is one of them.  With hundreds of thousands of items here, tourists will find that they are dreaming in reality.

Imagine seeing those treasures like what travelers only saw in comics or movies. Those treasures were made thousands of years ago with such perfect details.  Such treasures were considered usual as compared to the ones that major pharaohs owned.

Another special Egypt tour is a religious tour. Many travel agents also offer religious tours for people worldwide. Many people can visit giant mosques as well as wonderful churches of Coptic Christians.  Travelers will be interested in visiting the Citadel of Saladin which was built in 1176. Another recommended place to visit is the Alabaster mosque of Mohamed Ali.

Besides sacred sites, there are also some markets to get unique products. Some famous markets include Khan El-Khalili bazaar. There are lots of unique products here like perfumes, spices, jewelry, fabrics, ceramics, and other special products of Egypt. Uniquely, there are lots of treasures of replicas from ancient Egypt.

Shopping around here is very amazing though it is important to know the right prices for favorite items. Having experienced tour guides from a reputable travel agent will be very helpful. Travelers should ensure that they buy the best products at the best prices possible.

Another amazing site is the Nile river. Nothing beats the beauty of this very giant river. Taking a felucca, a local sailboat, along the Nile will make a wonderful experience.

So, if you are students in Canada who want to enjoy the Egypt travel pyramid, then contact Exodus.  This travel agent has been in this business for decades. So, travelers, mostly students in Canada can rest assured that they will enjoy memorable holidays on their Egypt tour pyramids.

Read more: Affordable Egyptian Pyramid Tour For Canada

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